Hello and welcome to my website. Whatever has brought you here, I hope you find what you are looking for and I am able to help you and your dog.
As a professional dog trainer; I believe that training dogs should be fun, innovative, and stress free.
My training goal for all clients is to create a solid relationship between dog and owner and to make sure that living with, walking or working your dog is an enjoyable experience not a stressful one.
Furthermore I adore seeing just how far dogs can go with their training and enjoy activities that were never thought possible. Lyndsey Canine Coach
Did you know..breed specific training is not just for those of us who work our dogs. There is tons you can do to help your spaniel, lab or pointer lead a fully enriched life.
Its in their DNA to be busy and have a 'job' its up to us to give them one.
Typically 'unemployed' working breeds can become 'self employed, this can result in ...
Zero Recall ( Fennnntooooon!!!)
Pulling on the leash
Over excitability
Prey drive
No ' off switch'
Destructive Behaviour
The reality is, many pet Gundogs are under stimulated, clients are unable to allow any off leash time to keep the dog safe, or are restricted to secure fields and training areas. They often end up over exercising their pet gundog...leading to the dog becoming fitter...and faster....but still without any control..or as I call it 'breaks and steering' .
Check out the Gundog Page or Spaniel Savvy to find out more.